
Thursday 27 October 2011

Paper Introduction

The paper project begins, the first lesson was more of a play about than anything but it was fun and that what the paper project is about.  The introduction involved using photographs of architectural and natural forms as a template to cut and mould from.

It’s amazing what paper can achieve.

There was only one rule and one rule only, I could only cut one lines that exist so the imagery played a key role in this process, I personally felt the imagery supported the resulted shapes really well, the structures of the buildings was able to add depth to the sculpture.

The next exercise involved using a book and just be experimental in the approach of manipulating the book, much of my work tended to have many sharp folds which I later worked back into them adding more detailed folds. I did try other techniques but due to the quality of the paper being fairly weak I tended to destroy many of the pages, I was quite temperamental with the paper.

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