
Wednesday 26 October 2011

Life Drawing

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Life Drawing is a wonderful thing, As well as doing this within the art foundation, I have been producing works outside of my college schedule, by doing this I am continuously challenged by new poses, every session I learn more about the human form and conveying this with experimenting different marks. As a student who wants to pursue the route of fashion design, life drawing is an important discipline, fashion is worn by the human body, and the human body is the basis to work from which I can work with or even exaggerate.
These are the first 3 weeks of my life drawing, I wanted to have a diverse range of mark making, the first drawing shows these lively marks while as weeks progress the marks are more controlled allowing more emphasis on tone, even with the choice of medias I have used, each media creating a different quality in the future weeks I will want to continue this. The 2nd week I drawn the male body, this seem way more difficult than the female body, the whole structure is different, I will be looking forward to be drawing the male figure as there is so much to learn from the male form.  
One thing I defiantly need to improve is the facial features they are so poor, practicing will help though.  
Keep posted more drawings 

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